Payment Options

We offer multiple payment options to make your shopping experience more convenient:

Payment Method Accepted Cards Settlement Currency
Credit Card VISA / MasterCard HKD, TWD, USD, GBP, EUR, MYR, etc.
PayPal VISA / MasterCard / AE / PayPal HKD, TWD, USD, GBP, EUR, MYR, etc.
Bank Transfer/Wire Transfer to Hong Kong Bank Account - HKD, TWD, RMB, etc.
Alipay/WeChat Pay - HKD, TWD, RMB, etc.

A. Credit Card (In-store or Online)

  • Enter your credit card details on the payment page and click "Checkout" to pay immediately.
  • Enter your email address on the payment page, select the payment method, and click "Next".
  • On PayPal's payment page, enter your credit card details and confirm. If you already have a PayPal account, you can log in directly on the left to complete the payment.
  • Confirm your order and payment details, then click "Pay Now" to finalize your payment.
  • If you choose wire transfer or bank deposit, you will need to bear any related service fees (if applicable).
  • If we do not receive your transfer or deposit within 5 business days, your order will be automatically canceled.
  • Please send the receipt of your wire transfer or bank deposit along with your order number via email or social platforms (e.g., WhatsApp, Facebook).
  • Once your payment is confirmed, we will immediately ship your order.
Bank Name: HSBC (Hong Kong)
Bank Address: HSBC Main Branch, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Bank Code: 004
Account Number: 652-690330-838 (HKD)
Bank Name: Bank of China (Hong Kong)
Account Name: Wai Mxx Yxx Yxxx & Wong Txx Kxx
Account Number: 012-758-0-003942-8 (HKD)


Bank Name: Bank of China (Macau)
Account Name: Wai Mxx Yxx Yxxx
Account Number: 00180511101265057 (HKD Account)


  • Enter your email address on the payment page, select the appropriate payment method, and click "Next".
  • Enter your Alipay account. If you do not have an account, enter your email address on the right. Payments are made in HKD, and Alipay will automatically convert the amount to RMB based on the bank's exchange rate of the day.